DFW Express Delivery will contact you as soon as possible with a customer number and information regarding order entry or call us at 972-988-8585 if you need immediate attention.
In opening this account, please be advised that Dallas Texas Express, Inc. dba Dallas Express Delivery, Fort Worth Express Delivery and DFW Express Delivery limits its liability to a maximum of 100.00 (one hundred dollars) per delivery unless otherwise negotiated. If, when ordering the delivery service, the customer declares, that the items tendered to Dallas Texas Express Inc.for that delivery have a higher replacement value than $100, then the liability shall, for that delivery, be increased to the declared replacement value or $1,000.00, whichever is less. The customer may, for any delivery and through a written agreement arrange for liability greater than $1,000.00. Any claim for loss, delay, or damage, must be reported to office Dallas Texas Express Inc. within 24 hours.